Most experienced tenancy cleaners will tell you that successful move-out cleaning is all about planning. Move the boxes out, carefully select your contractor, contact the landlord, and give yourself a few days of extra cushion if anything goes wrong.
Life, however, rarely goes according to plan. My experience shows that at least half of the moving-out tenants give the after-tenancy cleaning very little thought. As a result, they have to resort to emergency services at the last hour – and many companies refuse to take on such jobs.
So why did we decide to be different? I’ll give you the three main reasons, though there are others.
We hate to turn down people in need
You will be surprised to discover how many people are unaware of the tenancy cleaning clause in their contract. So just when they think they are about to start the next chapter in their life, another chore ruins everything. I used to work for a company that turned down such emergency calls – and I felt pretty awful about it. So I decided that if I ran my own tenancy cleaning company one day, the policy would be “we take on every case!”
We love the dynamics of tight deadlines
Routine can kill your motivation for work more quickly than anything else. No such risk with emergency calls – the team has to be on their A-game to plan the appointment and perform the cleaning without compromising quality. The kind of stuff that gets your juices going.
There is a niche in the industry
As I have already pointed out, many contractors avoid emergency cleaning appointments, creating a niche for those willing to work out of their comfort zone. Why wouldn’t I use this opportunity to enhance my portfolio at the expense of a competitor?